



Recension i Barometern/OT den 30 januari 2018.
Text: Gunilla Petri.
Gällande: Mönsterås Konstförenings vårutställning.
Översatt 4 april 2018 till engelska.

…….the ruff and dark coloured clay gives Monica Sandell the possibility to lift forward different feelings. She sculptures from the block of clay, with her hands and tools, portrait´s and human´s in full size. The slightly ruff touch which emphasises the clay´s power, gives a vivid surface. Her hands are pressing and sculpturing, her fingers pinches and forms. Monica Sandell moulds life in the small humanoid sculptures by means of letting her hand be a part of the sculpturing expression.

The feeling isn’t lost even when she casts her models in bronze. The first thing she seeks for is the exact feelings, she catches the feeling and let the fingers process and work the clay. The models, sometimes portrait like, are captured in a relaxed pose. Sitting on a podium, standing in a ring, or frozen in what appears to be a quiet fellowship. The clean impression of the form expresses what Monica Sandell wishes to describe – the different feelings of the human being.